When your life turns upside down
My name is Linda, a dutch lady used to live in Spain which was my second home for 7,5 years until the Spanish Government decided to brutally steal that away form me, from us in a split second.
This is the first step of sharing my story with you so I won't have to tell it over and over again. To warn you, to inspire you, to inform you. My life is turned upside down
since our hero has been kidnapped on the 12th of july 2022 at 09:00 o'clock in the morning by the Spanish Government and Child Social Services IASS from Zaragoza, Aragon. After 42 days of an Illegally institutional kidnapping we finally got our Hero L.A.W back from the IASS with the help of our Golden LAW Team.
I am a mother of two awesome human beings who are going by the names of Danique & Lucca. Recently I turned 50 years young and use to live in Spain on our amazing Finca La Solucion with our lovely animals Casper, Lily and Lucky Luck as pets and our lovely lifestock which where family as well. I use to sing, enjoy the nature, created together with Louis an steady and rich off grid life in rural spain. The Spanish Government stole this from us when the illegally and brutally kidnapped our youngest son L.A.W. They fucked up our lives completely against every International law, EU law and many conventions. In this personal blog I will share step by step my experiences, the emotional roller coaster we faced and still are facing to share it with you to help you, to show you this can also happen to you in a blink of an eye!
During the 42 days without our son in our lives I made some spiritual awakenings as well and it all started with the name of Mama Bear. The Ice Bear is an enourmous power animal on my journey right now so to honor this animal I have her by my side to help me get back on my feat again.
Bring Awereness
I decided to write about this delicate subject of Child Kidnapping and Child Trafficking to bring awareness. Not to judge but to find solutions. This crazy event which has traumatized us on all levels must have a purpose. I share it although I am aware that this is not an easy topic to write or talk about and sometimes quite emotional too however it is simply not a choice to be or stay in the shadows. I want to raise and bring awareness about Child Trafficking and what it does to your life as a human being, as a parent and how it turns your life around on all levels. To bring awareness to you who are facing similar situations to show that you are not the only one out there! To reach out for help to get us back on our feet so we can fully support Joanna and other families to overcome this difficulties and challenges in life.
Thank you for being here
Thank you for reading and following my blog about this journey. We are still not totally recovered from all of this but we need to use this experience for a higher purpose and that is to establish freedom for all children in a safe world in togetherness. Please support us in any way what is suitable for you. Blessings from my Heart to yours.
Connect with us in any way you can. Join our Telegramgroup, share this website or make a donation so we can go on with our lives, healing and sharing our story around the world. Every small step is a step towards greatness in togetherness!
Copyright 2023 All rights reserved by Linda