My nickname since Lucca was kidnapped is MamaBear for I am fighting for my creation like an IceBear. During this titme, our journey as I call it, the IceBear showed up in many ways as my power animal. I am 50 years walking around on earth and all those years has prepared me for the next level of life. I hope that I can inspire you with my experiances so you can be the best version of you at all moments of life whatever happens to you.
My Story
On the 12 july of 2022 the Spanish Government decided to bruatlly and illagel kidnap our son and violate all International laws, human rights and a lot of convention. Why? For they haved refused to communicate with us in a language we understand. The arrogant and ignorance of the IASS Social Services, the behavior of so called 'proffesionals' at the local school of Maella, the totally disrepect of so many people who are so called 'protecting' children made hugh mistakes. We did nothing against any law what so ever. The arrogant attitude of some local social services who did not have any clue what they where talking about or what they where doing ruined our lives on every level. For what? We have idea's abour that. Lucky we have a beautifull word in the world that is called justice and we have the power, knowledge and guts to get justice for what they have done in a right way without use force or violence what they needed. I remember all the faces of the armed policeman and some stupit people in civilian clothes who stand around me like I was the biggest crimanal in the world. Well I am not afraid, never was and never will be to stand up for my right, for the rights of my creation, for the human an animal rights. Yes also Animal Rights for they have harmed our dog so badly.. O what was it called? SEPRONA? Some kind of spanish institoin who are saving animals? Well got a surprise for you...You where used to trapp us so IASS could illagaly kidnapp a child from his safe bedroom.
No I am not mad but I got the picture clear and will continue with our lives in safety with Peace, Harmony and with Love. Your karma will turn back to you all. Justice will win on every level. Sweet dreams to all of the people who where there at that moment. To all our friends who turned their backs towards us, to all who helped us and still do, to everyone who is gossiping around and to everyone who had a meaning in one way or another in our old Spanish lives. Like a famous actor ones said: Remember, Remember.. the 12th of july
I am available for private limated 1 on 1 coaching to help you getting through your situation. Info? sent me an email.
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